Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE)
- National Guidelines on Infection Hygiene: Supplemental recommendations for infections and cariage in the health sector (Statens Serum Institut, 2019).
Nationale Infektionshygiejniske Retningslinjer: Supplerende forholdsregler ved infektioner og bærertilstand i sundhedssektoren (Statens Serum Institut, Central Enhed for Infektionshygiejne | 5.1. udgave 2019)
- Guidance on Infection Prevention and Control of multidrug-resistant organisms (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, 2020)
Ohje moniresistenttien mikrobien tartunnantorjunnasta (Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, 2020)
- Update of recommendations on multi-resistant bacteria (High Council of Public Health, 2019)
Actualisation des recommandations relatives aux BHRe (Haut Conseil de la santé publique, 2019)
- Guidance on prevention of infections caused by multi-resistant pathogens (pages 38-42 and 79-92) (National Center for Epidemiology, 2016)
Módszertani levél a multirezisztens kórokozók által okozott fertőzések megelőzéséről (oldalok 59 és 64) (Országos Epidemiológiai Központ, 2016)
- Enterococcal infection (incl. vancomycin-resistant enterococci, VRE) - guide for healthcare professionals (Norwegian Institute of Public Health, 2019)
Enterokokkinfeksjon (inkl. vankomycinresistente enterokokker, VRE) - veileder for helsepersonell (Folkehelseinstituttet, 2019)
- Control of the hospital environment to prevent infections with MDR pathogens (National Program for Antibiotic Protection, 2020)
Kontrola środowiska szpitalnego w zapobieganiu zakażeniom wywoływanym przez wieloantybiotykooporne patogeny alarmowe (Narodowy Program Ochrony Antybiotyków, 2020)
- Recommendations for microbiological screening of hospitalised patients (National Program for Antibiotic Protection, 2020)
Zalecenia prowadzenia mikrobiologicznych badań przesiewowych u hospitalizowanych pacjentów (Narodowy Program Ochrony Antybiotyków, 2020)
- Infection Prevention and Control in Intensive Care Unit departments (National Program for Antibiotic Protection, 2013)
Strategia zapobiegania lekooporności w oddziałach intensywnej terapii (Narodowy Program Ochrony Antybiotyków, 2013)
- Vancomycin-resistant enterococci - VRE (Public Heath Agency of Sweden, 2014)
Vankomycinresistenta enterokocker – VRE (Folkhälsomyndigheten, 2014)
- Screening for antibiotic-resistant bacteria (Public Heath Agency of Sweden, 2017)
Screening för antibiotikaresistenta bakterier (Folkhälsomyndigheten, 2017)