Biting midge maps

The biting midge maps are published regularly to provide the EFSA and ECDC stakeholders, the scientific community and the general public with updated information on Culicoides distribution at ‘regional’ administrative unit level (NUTS3 or equivalent and NUTS2 in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, England (UK), Scotland (UK) and Wales (UK)). Please note that the maps do not represent the official view or position of the countries.

Distribution maps of biting midges

The map shows the current known distribution of several biting midge species in Europe at ‘regional’ administrative level (NUTS3). It is based on published historical data and confirmed data provided by experts from the respective countries as part of the VectorNet project.

Separate maps for the distribution of each of the following mosquito species are currently available: Culicoides chiopterus, Culicoides dewulfi, Culicoides imicola, Culicoides kingi, Culicoides newsteadi s.l., Culicoides obsoletus/scoticus, Culicoides pulicaris/lupicaris and Culicoides punctatus s.l.

For native species the possible distribution statuses are:

  • Present: The species has been observed to be present in at least one municipality within the administrative unit.
  • Introduced: The species has been introduced in the administrative unit without confirmed establishment.
  • Anticipated Absent: the species has never been reported and there is a high probability that it is absent.
  • Confirmed Absent: the species has never been reported within the administrative unit and there have been field surveys or studies on biting midges within the last 5 years of the distribution status date.
  • No Data: No sampling has been performed and no data on the species is available.
  • Unknown: The status is unknown

Areas outside the scope of the VectorNet geographical scope are colour-coded as ‘Outside scope’.

Vector distribution status changes in terms of spatial units since the previous update

Even if the number of NUTS3 concerned by this dataset seems quite high (198 from 14 countries), the global picture of VectorNet maps was quite the same as for the previous period. However, 180 NUTS3 changed from ‘No Data’ to presence or absence statuses. Most of these concerned Germany (48%) and Austria (17%).

Culicoides chiopterus

Culicoides dewulfi

Culicoides imicola

Culicoides kingi

Culicoides newsteadi s.l.

Culicoides obsoletus/scoticus

Culicoides pulicaris/lupicaris

Culicoides punctatus

Biting midge surveillance

The surveillance maps shows the regions where surveillance activities for biting midges were held in Europe and neighbouring regions.

Page last updated 19 Aug 2024