Communicable Disease Threats Report, 19-25 January 2020, week 4
The ECDC Communicable Disease Threats Report (CDTR) is a weekly bulletin for epidemiologists and health professionals on active public health threats. This issue covers the period 19-25 January 2020 and includes updates on Ebola virus disease, cluster of pneumonia cases associated with novel coronavirus, cholera, seasonal influenza and polio.

Communicable Disease Threats Report, 19-25 January, week 4 - EN - [PDF-4.29 MB]
CDTR maps and graphs, week 4 - EN - [PPTX-3.31 MB]
Read more about the threats
Ebola outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
The 12th outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) lasted from 7 February 2021 to 3 May 2021
Cholera worldwide overview
A worldwide epidemiological summary of the countries most affected by cholera.
Page last updated:
24 Jan 2020