Tuberculosis - Annual Epidemiological Report for 2019
In 2019, 29 countries in the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA) reported a total of 49 752 tuberculosis (TB) cases (9.6 per 100 000 population). The overall TB notification rate in the EU/EEA continued to decline, as did most country-specific TB notification rates. However, the EU/EEA is not on track to reach the goal of ending the TB epidemic by 2030.
Multidrug resistance (MDR) was reported for 3.4% of TB cases with drug susceptibility testing results reported. Extensive drug resistance (XDR) was reported for 22.4% of MDR TB cases that underwent second-line drug susceptibility testing.
Nineteen countries reported HIV status for 78.0% of their TB cases. Of these TB cases with known HIV status, 3.1% were HIV positive.
Treatment success was achieved in 63.7% of TB cases notified in 2018, 54.9% of HIV-co-infected TB cases notified in 2018, 46.8% of MDR TB cases notified in 2017 and 34.9% of XDR TB cases notified in 2016.