Cholera - Annual Epidemiological Report for 2022
In the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA), cholera is a rare disease associated with travel outside the EU/EEA.
- In 2022, nine countries reported a total of 29 confirmed cases of cholera. The majority (79%) of cases were reportedly linked to travel from the United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh, Cameroon, India, Iraq, the Philippines and Pakistan.
- 31% of the cases were hospitalised, and one death was reported.
- The number of reported cholera cases in the EU/EEA increased from two cases in 2021 to 29 cases in 2022.
- This represented the highest number of cholera cases reported since 2011.
Cholera - Annual Epidemiological Report for 2022 - EN - [PDF-240.74 KB]