Toolkit to support the generation of robust estimates of hepatitis C prevalence
European surveillance data show on-going transmission of viral hepatitis across the European Union and European Economic Area (EU/EEA). The available notification data however, do not provide a clear epidemiological picture of hepatitis C in Europe. Prevalence data from population surveys are a key source of information to complement the surveillance data for hepatitis C due to the limitations of surveillance for hepatitis: the infection is often asymptomatic and notifications are strongly influenced by local testing practices. The overarching aim of this toolkit is to gain a better understanding of the HCV epidemiology in the EU/EEA.
Executive Summary
This toolkit supports Member States in generating robust prevalence estimates for hepatitis C.
This toolkit offers:
1. An algorithm to assist EU/EEA Member States in their decision-making around selecting the type of HCV prevalence survey that should be undertaken
2. The technical protocol for conducting hepatitis C prevalence surveys in the general population
This protocol consists of two parts:
- Selection of survey approach
- Planning and conducting the survey
3. Modelled estimates of the national burden of viral hepatitis C in EU/EEA countries These estimates are modelled using multi-parameter evidence synthesis methods based on published and unpublished data. (TO BE PUBLISHED LATE 2020)
See also the ECDC hepatitis C virus (HCV) prevalence studies database (below) which provides an easy access compilation of results from published studies of prevalence conducted in EU/EEA countries in the general population and key risk groups.

Hepatitis C prevalence database
Prevalence data from sources such as population surveys can be a useful complement to case based surveillance data for hepatitis C. Case-based surveillance has limitations as most diagnosed cases are chronic in nature and detection of cases depends largely on testing practices. Prevalence data can therefore contribute towards a fuller understanding of the epidemiology of hepatitis C.
Publication data
Tools for public health
Algorithm to assist in decision making around prevalence surveys for hepatitis C
The aim of this toolkit is to gain a better understanding of the HCV epidemiology in the EU/EEA.