Toolkit - Application to calculate DALYs
The Burden of Communicable Disease in Europe (BCoDE) toolkit is a stand-alone software application which allows calculation of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for a selection of 117 communicable diseases and six healthcare-associated infections.
Disease models (outcome trees) were created following a thorough literature review of the natural history disease progression pathway of the 117 different communicable diseases and six healthcare-associated outcome trees included in the project
This tool facilitates the complex calculation of DALYs by simply inputting age- gender- and population-specific incidence data and adjustment values for underestimation.
Composite health measures (CHM) are composite indicators allowing for quantitative assessments of health-related phenomena that cannot be directly measured. Several measures have been developed for this purpose based on different assumptions, models and parameters. One of the most common is the Disability Adjusted Life-Years (DALYs) that has been widely used for global comparisons of the overall impact of diseases.
Technical requirements
The BCoDE software toolkit is a 32-bit Windows application which can be run on Windows XP or later versions. It does not support other operating systems. Minimum hardware requirements are 1 GB of RAM, 1GHz CPU.
It does not require any additional software installed on the system. All the necessary libraries are included in the download package.
Users should update the virus definition database of their anti-virus software to avoid encountering issues when downloading the toolkit.
User information
Submission of the user information sheet is completely voluntary and is not a requirement for downloading the tool. It will only take a couple of minutes to complete. The sheet is aimed at getting feedback about the tool and helping it improve in the future. Specifically, knowing the users will help ECDC tailor its usability and send notifications about software updates.
The toolkit is distributed as a zip archive. Installation does not require any special user rights and can be performed by standard (non-admin) users. To install and run the toolkit, please follow the steps below:
Submit the short online user information sheet so we can send you emails when updates of the BCoDE toolkit are released.
Download zip file Burden of communicable diseases toolkit, version 2.0.0, January 2020 Updated: January 2020
Unpack the zipped files. A new folder with name ‘BCoDE’ will appear
Go into the newly created folder and double-click on the file ‘BCoDE.exe’ to start using the toolkit.
The source code for this tool is also available as a zip archive and governed by the GNU General Pulblic License v.3.
Contents and data input
The toolkit includes two embedded tutorials, disease models describing the progression pathway of each disease (interactive visual outcome trees and text), input tables and several output visualisation options.
Necessary input data are the number of yearly cases, but all other parameters can also be edited. Outputs include disease-specific detailed information such as incidence, mortality, gender & demographics, acute vs. sequelae, YLL (Years of Life Lost) or YLD (Years Lived with Disability) and aggregate information (tables and graphs ranking the diseases).
Legal notice
This tool is a product of ECDC and is therefore subject to copyright and limited reproduction notices and rules related to personal data protection. For details, please see the legal notice:
Suggested citation
ECDC BCoDE toolkit [software application]. Version 1.7 Solna: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control; 2019. Available from:
For comments, technical support and to report problems please contact:
Influenza ranked highest in burden of disease measured in DALYs
Influenza tops list of burden of disease and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) with 30% of total burden, according to Eurosurveillance article.