Webinar: West Nile virus and Usutu virus infections in the European Union: the public health and animal health challenges

25 Feb 2022

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) kindly invite you to join a webinar on West Nile virus and Usutu virus infections among humans and animals, with a focus on the situation in the European Union.

Date and time: Friday 25 February 2022 – 09.30-12.30 CET      

The webinar is organised by experts from the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie and the Padova University Hospital, Italy.

Through a series of presentations, renowned experts will tackle topics such as surveillance, prevention, diagnosis and blood safety in the European Union. A detailed agenda will be provided one week prior the webinar.

The webinar will be open to anyone interested in attending, and will take place via WebEx.

In order to ensure a smooth arrival to the WebEx meeting room we encourage you to connect in advance; the meeting will open from 09.00.

The connection details are provided below:


Join by computer/tablet/smartphone

To join the meeting on computer, tablet, or smartphone, please follow this link:

1. Fill in your full name and if possible, organisation

2. If asked, fill in the meeting password: ECDC


Join by phone (audio only)

To join the meeting using phone, dial this number 0046 85 199 2509 (Sweden Toll)

Or find your local toll number from this link:  Available call-in numbers

Wait for 5 seconds or until instructed.

Then dial the meeting number: 2554 902 0151 ##


Join by video conference system

If you join by video conference system dial 25549020151@ecdc3.webex.com

Dial the password for the meeting: 3232#