Stop the spread! Could diagnostic antigen tests help control COVID-19 transmission in workplaces?
ECDC has joined forces with EU-OSHA, the EU agency for occupational safety and health, to explore the use of rapid antigen tests for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, in the workplace.
The findings are presented in a new joint technical report, which includes a survey of EU-OSHA’s focal points on the current use of rapid antigen tests in a workplace context in the EU/EEA. It builds on the body of knowledge regarding the use of rapid antigen tests provided in ECDC reports.
The report shows that rapid antigen testing can help reduce the spread of the virus in high-risk indoor workplaces. However, the report stresses that testing cannot replace other safety and health measures and should be used to complement them.
It also highlights the importance of careful planning and involving employers, workers, occupational safety and health authorities, public health authorities and occupational health services in the design of a testing strategy for the workplace before implementation.