Videos on vaccination against tetanus
Video on vaccination: Fighting tetanus
Tetanus is transmitted by bacteria living in soil, animal saliva and manure which can enter the body through minor wounds on the skin. Today, a widely used vaccine protects against tetanus.
Video on vaccination: Get vaccinated!
Should I vaccinate my children? Vaccines prevent diseases that could otherwise cause serious health problems, permanent disability or even death.
Video on vaccination: Effective worldwide vaccination campaigns
Effective worldwide vaccination campaigns have dramatically reduced the number of deadly infections. Watch our video (turn on subtitles in your language!) and learn more about the vaccination success stories on the fight with smallpox, polio, tetanus and measles.
Video on vaccination: Monitoring the safety of vaccines in Europe
Vaccines have been used to prevent diseases in millions of people worldwide. But who monitors the safety of vaccines and how do they do it?
Video on vaccination: How vaccines are approved in Europe
Only vaccines that are safe and effective are approved for use in the European Union. How does the process of vaccine authorisation look like? Watch our video (turn on subtitles in your language) to learn more!
Video on vaccination: Check your sources first before sharing
Treat websites and other online sources with a critical eye, especially when it comes to information on health issues, such as vaccination.