Procurement and grants
This section provides information on ECDC procurement and grants procedures.
Calls for tenders - Open, restricted or other procurement procedures with values over 142,999.99 EUR.
Ex-ante publicity - Negotiated procurement procedures with values between 15,000 EUR and 142,999.99 EUR.
Calls for proposal - Grant procedures.
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Participation in ECDC's procurement procedures is open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons coming within the scope of the Treaties, as well as to international organisations, established in the European Union, European Economic Area (EEA) and Stabilisation and Association Agreements countries (SAA).
Participation to ECDC's procurement procedures is not open to natural and legal persons established in the countries that have ratified the Agreement on Government Procurement concluded within the World Trade Organisation.
Ongoing procedures
Open calls for tenders: published on Funding & tenders (, see also below under "status": select "open".
Ex-ante publicity (low and middle value negotiated procedures): published on eTendering - Search for call for tenders (, see also below (might not appear if cookies are disabled).
Calls for proposals (grants): published below.
Please note that all deadlines refer to local time in Sweden.
Questions about ongoing procedures shall be sent through the relevant systems only (Funding & tenders ( or eTendering - Search for call for tenders (
Useful links
- Tender Specifications annexes – open calls
- Tender Specifications annexes – low and middle value negotiated procedures
- Annual Declaration of Interest form
- General conditions (low and middle value contract)
- 2024 ECDC Public Holidays
- Legal Entity File
- Financial Identification Form
- Curiculum Vitae (Europass)
- Privacy statement (for procurement and grants)
- ECDC work programmes
- Declaration on honour (procurement)
- Declaration on honour (grant)
- Authorised Signatory form
- Checklist
- Simplified Financial Statements
- Checklist - request to participate (Phase 1 RP/CPN )
- Checklist - tender submission (Phase 2 CPN/RP)