West Nile virus - human cases compared to previous seasons, 9 August 2023
Since last week’s update, and as of 9 August 2023, European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) countries reported 48 human cases of West Nile virus (WNV) infection and 2 deaths related to WNV infections. Cases were reported by Italy (30), Greece (11), Romania (5) and Hungary (2). Deaths were reported by Greece (1) and Italy (1). An EU-neighbouring country, Serbia, reported 9 human cases of WNV infection. No deaths related to WNV infection were reported from EU-neighbouring countries.
This week, among the reporting countries, the following NUTS 3 or GAUL1 regions have reported autochthonous human cases of WNV infection for the first time since the start of this season: Thessaloniki and Kastoria in Greece, Tolna and Csongrád in Hungary, Biella, Cuneo, Brescia, Monza e della Brianza, Foggia, Treviso, Venezia, Padova and Oristano in Italy, Tulcea, Bucureşti, Ilfov and Dolj in Romania, Jablanicki, Zapadno-backi, Juzno-backi, Juzno-banatski, Severno-backi and Severno-banatski and Sremski in Serbia.
