Weekly influenza surveillance overview, weeks 21-30, 2014
Over weeks 21 to 30/2014, clinical data were reported by 15 to 19 countries on a weekly basis. Low intensity was reported by all countries submitting reports.
Executive Summary
For weeks 21 to 30/2014:
- Low intensity and local or sporadic activity were indicated by all countries submitting reports. ILI and ARI levels remained at or below baseline levels in all countries.
- Ten sentinel specimens tested positive for influenza, eight of which were type A viruses.
- Two countries reported a total of seven hospitalised laboratory-confirmed influenza cases, five of these cases were admitted to ICU and there was one death. Overall, influenza activity and circulation of influenza viruses in reporting countries was low in Europe during the period in question.
Weekly influenza surveillance overview, weeks 21-30, 2014 - EN - [PDF-104.66 KB]