Data on SARS-CoV-2 variants in the EU/EEAArchived
The downloadable data file contains information about the volume of COVID-19 sequencing, the number and percentage distribution of variants of concern (VOC) by week and country. Each row contains the corresponding data for a country, variant and week (the data are in long format). The file is updated weekly. You may use the data in line with ECDC’s copyright policy and with GISAID’s data usage policy. We gratefully acknowledge both the originating and submitting laboratories for the sequence data in GISAID EpiCoV on which these outputs are partially based.
Available data on the volume of COVID-19 sequencing, the number and percentage distribution of VOC for each country, week and variant submitted since 2020-W40 to the GISAID EpiCoV database ( and TESSy (as either case-based or aggregate data) are displayed.
ECDC will cease to update this dataset on 1 December 2023. The final week of data to be included in the dataset will be Week 47, 2023, see link below.
Download the data:
Weekly data linked to ERVISS is available weekly on GitHub.
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