Algorithm to assess causality after individual adverse events following immunizationsArchived

ECDC comment

​Assessing individual reports of adverse events following immunizations (AEFI) can be challenging. The CISA network proposes a systematic approach, with an algorithm intended as a guide, instead of a rigid set of rules for conducting causality assessment. A web-based version of the algorithm is available and it will be updated frequently. Comments and suggestions on the algorithm for improvement are welcome and can be sent to

Halsey NA, Edwards KM, Dekker CL, Klein NP, Baxter R, Larussa P, Marchant C, Slade B, Vellozzi C; the Causality Working Group of the Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment network. Vaccine. 2012 Aug 24;30(39):5791-5798.

Assessing individual reports of adverse events following immunizations (AEFI) can be challenging. The CISA network proposes a systematic approach, with an algorithm intended as a guide, instead of a rigid set of rules for conducting causality assessment. A web-based version of the algorithm is available and it will be updated frequently. Comments and suggestions on the algorithm for improvement are welcome and can be sent to

Criteria for determining the diagnosis of the many different AEFI (such as encephalitis or Guillain–Barré syndrome) are beyond the scope of this paper.