West Nile fever in Europe in 2018 - human cases; updated 21 September
Between 14 and 20 September 2018, EU Member States reported 186 human West Nile virus infections: Italy (92), Greece (32), Romania (33), Hungary (12), Croatia (11), Austria (2), Slovenia (2) and Bulgaria (2). This week, no human cases were reported by EU neighbouring countries.
In six areas, human cases were reported for the first time: Croatia (2), Slovenia (2), Italy (1) and Greece (1). All other human cases were reported from areas that have been affected during previous transmission seasons.
In 2018, as of 20 September 2018, EU Member States have reported 1 134 human cases: Italy (453), Greece (224), Romania (216), Hungary (167), Croatia (36), France (16), Austria (15), Bulgaria (4) and Slovenia (3). EU neighbouring countries reported 370 human cases: Serbia (286), Israel (81) and Kosovo* (3). To date, 115 deaths due to West Nile virus infection have been reported by Italy (35), Serbia (29), Romania (25), Greece (24), Hungary (1) and Kosovo* (1).
This week, 25 deaths were reported by Italy (14), Romania (6) and Greece (5).