Seasonal influenza vaccination and antiviral use in EU/EEA Member States

Surveillance and monitoring

 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Seasonal influenza vaccination and antiviral use in EU/EEA Member States. Stockholm: ECDC; 2018. 

A survey was circulated in January 2018 to provide an update on seasonal influenza immunisation policies in 2017– 18 and obtain vaccination coverage rates in EU/EEA Member States for the 2015–16, 2016–17 and 2017-18 (if available) influenza seasons. In addition, the survey mapped methods of monitoring vaccination coverage, vaccine dose number procured, payment mechanisms for vaccine and vaccine administration, vaccine products recommended by population groups and complementary antiviral use for treatment or prophylaxis in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.

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Influenza vaccination coverage rates in the EU/EEAArchived

ECDC is collecting, sharing and disseminating information on national vaccination programmes and provides guidance for improving the overall performance of the vaccination systems in EU/EEA Member States. The latest data on vaccination coverage by country in the EU/EEA of different risk- and target groups are available in the reports listed on this page.

More about this topic

Risk groups for severe influenza

Some people are at high risk of serious complications as a result of influenza, some of which can be life-threatening and result in death.

Types of seasonal influenza vaccine

Injected trivalent inactivated influenza vaccines are most commonly used throughout the world. Influenza antigen preparation varies between manufacturers.

Timing of influenza vaccination

It takes 10 to 14 days following vaccination, before an immune response and protection develops. Therefore, most countries start immunisation in the early autumn.