Monthly measles and rubella monitoring report, April 2019
This monitoring report is based on measles and rubella data from The European Surveillance System (TESSy) for 1 March 2018–28 February 2019.
Executive Summary
Twenty-nine countries reported measles data for February 2019, with 1 082 cases reported by 24 countries and five countries reporting no cases. Lithuania did not report measles data for February 2019 (Figure 1).
Overall, case numbers continued to increase compared with the previous two months. France, Poland, Italy, the Czech Republic and Belgium had the highest case counts, with 188, 178, 160, 115 and 90 cases respectively (Table 1).
Notable increases were reported in France, Poland, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Bulgaria and Ireland.
- France reported 188 cases in February, compared with 125 in January and 54 in December.
- Poland reported 178 cases in February, compared with 123 in January and 114 in December.
- The Czech Republic reported 115 cases in February, compared with 47 in January and 19 in December.
- Belgium reported 90 cases in February, compared with 20 in January and seven in December.
- Bulgaria reported 51 cases in February, compared with zero in January and zero in December.
- Ireland reported 18 cases in February, compared with two in January and zero in December.
Publication data
Infographic: Measles in Europe, April 2019
Infographic showing the age distribution of measles cases and the countries affected in February and the number of measles cases 2017-2019.
Number of measles cases by country, EU/EEA, February 2019 (n=1 082)
Number of measles cases by country, EU/EEA, February 2019 (n=1 082)
Data set
Number of measles cases by month and notification rate per million population by country, EU/EEA, 1 March 2018–28 February 2019
Number of measles cases by month and notification rate per million population by country, EU/EEA, 1 March 2018–28 February 2019
Measles notification rate per million population by country, EU/EEA, 1 March 2018–28 February 2019
Measles notification rate per million population by country, EU/EEA, 1 March 2018–28 February 2019
Number of measles deaths by country, EU/EEA, 1 March 2018–28 February 2019 (n=29)
Number of measles deaths by country, EU/EEA, 1 March 2018–28 February 2019 (n=29)
Vaccination coverage for the first doses of measles and rubella containing vaccine by country, EU/EEA, 2017
Vaccination coverage for the first doses of measles and rubella containing vaccine by country, EU/EEA, 2017
Vaccination coverage for the second dose of measles-containing vaccine, EU/EEA, 2017
Vaccination coverage for the second dose of measles-containing vaccine, EU/EEA, 2017
Number of rubella cases by country, EU/EEA, February 2019 (n=30)
Number of rubella cases by country, EU/EEA, February 2019 (n=30)
Data set
Number of rubella cases by month and notification rate per million population by country, EU/EEA, 1 March 2018–28 February 2019
Number of rubella cases by month and notification rate per million population by country, EU/EEA, 1 March 2018–28 February 2019
Rubella notification rate per million population by country, EU/EEA, 1 March 2018–28 February 2019
Rubella notification rate per million population by country, EU/EEA, 1 March 2018–28 February 2019