This issue of the ECDC Communicable Disease Threats Report (CDTR) covers the period 8-14 February and includes updates on STI cases, chikungunya, Ebola, measles, avian influenza A (H9N2, H5N1), swine influenza A(H1N2), influenza (H10N3) and an overview of respiratory virus epidemiology in the EU/EEA.
There is currently significant respiratory virus activity in the EU/EEA, with an intense influenza season and concurrent RSV epidemic. People eligible for vaccination are encouraged to get vaccinated. Frequent hand-washing, physical distancing, avoiding large gatherings and wearing masks in healthcare settings can all help reduce protect vulnerable groups and reduce transmission.
Since April 2012, and as of 5 February 2025, a total of 2 626 cases of MERS-CoV, including 953
deaths, have been reported by health authorities worldwide.