Anthrax continues to be a rare disease in humans in Europe, with only a few cases reported every year. For 2022, 13 confirmed cases were reported by Croatia (eight cases), Romania (three cases) and Spain (two cases) and an additional nine probable cases were reported by Croatia.
This reporting protocol describes data collection for human cases of zoonotic influenza viruses, with the aim to support assessment of key indicators and trends over time and inform situational risk assessments.
At the EU/EEA level, influenza activity continues to increase while RSV activity is decreasing. Vaccination campaigns against respiratory pathogens continue in many EU/EEA countries and people who are eligible for vaccination, particularly those at higher risk of severe outcomes, are encouraged to get vaccinated.
The HPV vaccine protects against a virus linked to cervical, throat, and other cancers, while the Hepatitis B vaccine helps prevent chronic liver infections that can lead to liver cancer.
This issue of the ECDC Communicable Disease Threats Report (CDTR) covers the period 11 – 17 January 2025 and includes updates on respiratory virus epidemiology in the EU/EEA, mpox, influenza, cholera, Marburg virus, rabies, and chikungunya, measles, polio, MRSA, and mass gathering monitoring for the Jubilee of 2025 in Italy.
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