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In recent months there have been reports of monkeypox virus clade I cases in different EU/EEA countries following the geographic expansion of monkeypox virus clade I since mid-2024. This epidemiological update summarises these recent events.
The first instances of confirmed transmission of monkeypox virus (MPXV) clade I among close contacts of imported cases within the EU/EEA have been reported by Germany and Belgium.
In 2022, 17 700 confirmed cases of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) were reported in the European Union/European Economic Area. The crude notification rate was 5.1 cases per 100 000 population, similar to 2018 and 2019.
Since April 2012, and as of 2 December 2024, a total of 2 626 cases of MERS-CoV, including 953 deaths, have been reported by health authorities worldwide.
Since April 2012, and as of 8 January 2025, a total of 2 626 cases of MERS-CoV, including 953 deaths, have been reported by health authorities worldwide.