Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) reporting protocol 2024

Public health guidance

This reporting protocol is for the 2024 data call for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance data, collected by the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (EARS-Net) for 2023.

Executive Summary

Reporting protocols are data collection guidelines for the data managers of reporting countries and the protocol design is intended to improve user-friendliness by:

  • introducing a uniform structure to make it easier for data managers to find data collection information across different subjects;
  • removing information which is irrelevant for data managers.

The reporting protocols are supplemented by the TESSy (The European Surveillance System) User Guide. The surveillance protocol will also contain some of the generic information previously contained in the reporting protocols.

Since the data managers in reporting countries often have multiple roles, subject-specific material is sometimes distributed together with a reporting protocol. To maintain the uniform structure, this type of material is now included in Annex 2.